Suffering from an Auto Accident Injury?
Roseville Auto Accident Injury Chiropractors
At Roseville Auto Accident Injury Chiropractic, we treat various injuries that result from auto accidents including whiplash, herniated disc, and many soft tissue injuries. Through a complete understanding of the complexities of auto accident injury cases, we take great pride in providing excellent chiropractic care to help alleviate pain. Our well-established relationships with orthopedists, neurologists, MRI facilities, and physical therapists in Roseville allow us to offer the most prominent and most complete care of acute trauma suffered from auto accident injuries. We are here to help you recover.
Read more about usEmergency Chiropractic
Don’t wait! Get checked after an auto accident today! The longer you wait, the worse conditions can become. Start feeling better today.
Insurance Accepted
Most insurance will cover your healthcare costs after an auto accident. We work with your lawyer to help you find a way to get the chiropractic care you need!
Affordable Pain Relief
Our chiropractic care offers affordable plans to fit all patients in the event that insurance has a limitation to care.
Health Restoration
Feel relief from pain today! Our chiropractic care has helped thousands of people recover from auto accidents. Contact us now to begin the healing process.
Roseville Auto Accident Injury Chiropractic
Liens Are Accepted
We gladly work with attorneys on all auto accident injury cases. Providing a well-documented report in support of your personal injury case, is vital in receiving a fair settlement. We stay in direct contact with your attorney, so they will be informed of your treatment plan to remain updated on your progress cost of treatment.
Learn MoreAuto Injury Symptoms
We understand the underlying cause of your auto accident injury pain, its symptoms, and how to relieve that tension through chiropractic treatment.
Our chiropractic treatment can reduce pain from auto accident injury symptoms from whiplash to ankle pain and everything in between.
Symptoms We TreatTestimonials
We can describe our treatments in detail, but we would prefer if you heard it from our patients. Hear what they have to say about our doctors and their auto accident injury treatment.

After my first few visits with Dr. Van Wagenen, I will be honest, things seemed worse than ever as he diagnosed me with food sensitivities on top of all my painful problems. This meant changing my life completely. I was distraught and depressed and thought there was no way I was going to be able to do what he asked of me, but I went through with everything I was told to do, even though it was hard, and things started to look up for me. I changed my diet as recommended and started to see things turn around rather quickly. In addition Dr. Van Wagenen gave me targeted supplements to help my body heal and function properly again. My inflammation went down, my pain reduced, my headaches became less frequent, I had more energy, and I started to be able to use a little more of my feet's surface area (allowing more walking with less pain).
Natasha R. -
I came to Dr VanWagenen with a bad lower back, extreme anxiety, tingling and numbness in my extremeties that would go on 24/7, beginnings of plantar fasciitis, keeping at attention issues and finally an extremely bad neck due to a severe pinched nerve. After adjustments, suggestions on diet and vitamins/Supplements along with other little suggestions on life's everyday habits, my life has changed drastically in a VERY positive way!I no longer have back and neck issues which alone right there is a massive game changer in my life. Due to diet change and supplements, my anxiety is nearly non existent (have been able to get off of my anxiety medication, which he also helped with alleviating my withdrawals while doing so), My Plantar Fasciitis never turned full blown and actually reversed to the point that I can run better than ever.I now feel like a healthy human being. I don't feel as though I am constantly worrying about my health, which is something that I never thought possible.
Tommy A. -
A total skeptic--that's how I started out. When I first visited Dr VanWagenen I told him I would not be easy to win over. I was only there out of desperation. Once before in my life I went to a chiropractor and my negative perceptions of chiropractic were only deepened. But Dr. VanWagenen was a completely different experience. I was dealing with a back injury that had me lying on the floor in my home for well over a week, and after several weeks it was not getting better. So based on a couple of strong referals I figured I'd give him a try. His approach to diagnosis was bizarre to me but I could see he was really getting at the underlying problem. More importantly, in spite of my strong skepticism about the whole process, I could personally feel the difference in my body's reaction as he methodically tested different things. He even discovered things I had not shared with him. Once diagnosed he treated me in a very targeted way. The results were amazing. My back is better.
Chiropractic Skeptic